Who should I contact if I have any questions about my application?
Please direct any questions you might have to grants@rapsoncollaborative.org. If you prefer to discuss questions by phone, leave us a number and a member of the RC grants committee will reply ASAP. We hope to hear from you!
Rae Evemond
Can a Rapson Collaborative grant awardee in one year apply for support again in another year?
Yes. We welcome repeat submissions, though there is no advantage to having received a grant in a previous cycle; each year’s applicant pool will be evaluated on its own merits.
Can a Rapson Collaborative grant support an existing or ongoing program?
Yes. Both of our 2024 recipients were awarded support for new phases of ongoing programs. In fact, we don’t require either that a program be new or continuing. Our evaluation of applications focuses on the work being done in the year of the grant award and the explanation of the need and its alignment with our organizational mission […]
What if I prefer to submit an application by alternative means?
We’re happy to arrange that with you. Please email grants@rapsoncollaborative.org to discuss possibilities for presenting information and materials relevant to your proposal and we will work with you to arrive at the best approach.
Who should I contact if I have any questions about my application?
Please direct any questions you might have to grants@rapsoncollaborative.org. If you prefer to discuss questions by phone, leave us a number and a member of the RC grants committee will reply ASAP. We hope to hear from you!